64 Places in a city

今天我们将学习有关城市的英语。“城市”在英文中叫做City,每座城市里都会有各种设施和建筑,例如:Supermarket(超市)、Restaurant(餐厅)、Café(咖啡厅)、Bar(酒吧)、Hotel(宾馆)、Gas station(加油站)、Park(公园)、Bank(银行)。我们再来学习一下以下句子:In my neighborhood, there are many restaurants.(我的住处附近有许多餐厅) In my neighborhood, there is a very good hotel.(我的住处附近有一家非常好的宾馆) In my neighborhood, there is a bank.(我的住处附近有一家银行) In my neighborhood, there ...

66 Adjectives for places

今天我们将学习一些Adjectives(形容词)。我们这节课上要学习的形容词有:Big(大的)、Small(小的)Expensive(贵的)、Cheap(便宜的)、Nice(漂亮的,好的)、Boring(无聊的)。让我们一起来学习以下例句:There is a very big supermarket in my neighborhood.(我的住处附近有一家很大的超市)There is a small café in my neighborhood.(我的住处附近有一家小的咖啡厅)There are many nice restaurants in the city.(这座城市里有许多很好的餐厅)In Shanghai, restaurants ...

97 Places to shop

今天我们将学习一些商店的英文表达:store(商店),supermarket(超市),shopping mall(购物中心),department store(百货商场)。请看以下例句:In the supermarket, we buy food.(我们在超市买食物)In the shopping mall or department store, we buy clothes.(我们在购物中心或百货商场买衣服)In the store, we can buy many things.(我们可以在商店里购买很多东西)接下来请回答以下问题:Do you ...

173 A text about restaurants

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a different exercise (un ejercicio diferente). I read about two restaurants (yo leo sobre dos restaurantes). Listen ...

174 A text about restaurants II

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a text about restaurants (un texto sobre restaurantes). Comment this video and share it with your friends ...

181 A vacation in Mexico

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a vacation in Mexico (vacaciones en Mexico). Advertisement (anuncio). Follow the methodology (sigue la metodologia). Watch the ...

184 A tour of Istanbul

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a tour of Istanbul (un tour de Istanbul). Like, comment and share this class (dale un "me ...

188 Restaurant advertisement

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora restaurant advertisement (anuncios de restaurantes). Asian Stir-fry (asiático salteado). 1,00 added with tofu (1,00 adicional con tofu). ...

189 Restaurant advertisement II

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora restaurant advertisement (anuncios de restaurante). Are you understanding our classes? (tú estás comprendendo nuestras clases?). Explanation at ...

193 A friend in Japan

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a friend in Japan (un amigo en Japón). Are you OK? (tú estás bien?). E-mail (correo electrónico). ...

197 Events for this weekend

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora events for this weekend (eventos para este fin de semana). Like our classes (dale un "like" en ...

198 Events for this weekend II

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora free events for this weekend (eventos grátis para este fin de semana). Outdoor Street Fair (Feria de ...

214 Places to make new friends

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora different places to make new friends (diferentes lugares para hacer nuevos amigos). Different places to meet people ...

332 Location expressions in the city part 2

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora location expressions (expresiones de localización). Behind (detrás). In front of (frente). Next to (al lado). Location Expressions ...

335 Places in town - a different exercise part 1

今天我们将做一组选择题练习,请根据题目选出正确的答案:In the town or in a city, you can sleep at a           . 1. Theater  2. Hotel 3. Museum(在镇上或者城市里,你可以在        睡觉)You can see the sea animals ...

348 Directions in context - invitation

今天我们将听一则邀请函,然后根据内容回答一些问题。To our friends.(致我们的朋友)From Mark and Betty.(Mark和Betty致信)We are so happy that all of you can come to our 20th Anniversary Celebration at the French Bistro.(我们很高兴你们能来到French Bistro参加我们的20周年纪念)The ...

350 3 days in Istanbul - part 2

今天我们将继续了解伊斯坦布尔。Day 2(第二天)Shop till you drop(购物购到手软)Start your day at the colorful and bustling Grand Bazaar.(从多彩而热闹的Grand Bazaar开启新的一天)There are thousands of shops with everything.(上千家商店展示着一切商品)From gold and silver to ...

R Resumen Intermedio III part 1

Congratulations!!! This is the summary of Intermediate III of your English course at Tú Aprendes Ahora. In this summary we talk about the classes from ...

351 3 days in Istanbul part 3

今天我们将继续游玩伊斯坦布尔。Our day 3 in Istanbul(我们在伊斯坦布尔的第三天)Take a trip on the river.(在河上游玩)Today take a ferry from Eminonu to Anadolu Kavagi.(今天从Eminonu乘船去Anadolu Kavagi)Don’t forget your camera.(不要忘记你的相机)You can take spectacular ...

354 Coober Pedy in Australia part 2

今天我们将继续了解Coober Pedy。Cooper Pedy is a city in Australia.(Cooper Pedy是澳大利亚的一座城市)It’s the opal capital of the world.(它是世界蛋白石之都)There you need to go to three touristic destinations.(在Cooper Pedy有三个值得去的旅游景点)The first ...

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